Step 6

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The Jesus Way of Love || Robert Macs I Love You

List of Steps

6. Humbly ask God to connect me to His Unconditional Love

Hi God. I’m having a rough day. I hope you can help me out. I need to look into your eyes. To see that love you have for me. Cause I’m having trouble seeing it today. I want to see what you see. Why did you create a world? That is so difficult for us. I am feeling really low. I’m just thinking. Tell me again how much you love me. Tell me again how much you care about me. I knew you could see I’d be struggling today. I’m just asking for your grace. Your mercy and your compassion. That I can feel loved by you today. Because I’m kinda empty right now. So I’m asking again today and every day to believe. That you love me. Believe that you are perfect. Believe that this process that you’re taking me through. Is perfect. That everything that’s happening to me on a daily basis. Is in your plan for my life. That I need to look at it differently. I need to look at what I can learn from this. I need to look at it for how I could become more loving. I can’t do that unless I feel connected to you. So I humbly ask you to love me and help me feel loved.

Love lesson 6