Step 10

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The Jesus Way of Love || Robert Macs I Love You

List of Steps

10. Seek Love daily from Above.

Be refreshed daily. This is why it was spoken. That you should pray. It wasn’t supposed to be a religious thing. In a church only. It was supposed to be between you and God. A connection to perfect love. It was supposed to help you breach the negative world. That we live in. You have to refresh daily. Sometimes maybe a couple times a day. Don’t be afraid to tell God how rough it is. How tough it is or how unfair it is. Make sure you know that he understands. What you have to go through. Look into his eyes. See what he’s done for you. That he was willing to come down to this earth and suffer. That he was willing to do that for you. That you might have an opportunity. To be loved forever. He wants a relationship with you. He wants to connect. In order for love to happen inside you. You need to be connected every day every moment. When negative people really impact you. You might want to take a minute to catch your breath and feel his love again. Take time to refresh your love. Be anointed with his compassion. Feel God’s presence. Be restored in love. Have others pray. Their love into your heart.

Love lesson 10

Love lesson 11