Step 1

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The Jesus Way of Love || Robert Macs I Love You

List of Steps

Step 1. I admit I can’t love, without first being Loved.

God the Creator knew before the beginning of time how much pressure you would be under. This is one of the reasons that he took it upon himself to bear the responsibility for your situation. He wanted someone that he could have companionship with. Someone that he could share his love with. Somewhere that his love could dwell within. Inside you his treasure. His temple. His beloved. The first step for you. Is to accept his love. The power of his love will enter into your heart. As love enters into your heart. You will change knowing that you are loved. Accepted by God the Creator. Made perfectly imperfect. God himself sees you as a diamond. A treasure. A beautiful person. A person worth fighting for. A person. A creation. To love forever. This first step is to accept God’s love. Look into the eyes of love. Look into the eyes of your Creator. Know that he bears your scars. All that you were feeling in life. He has suffered. All the things you feel. That he could be one with you. Accept the love. Become the love today.


 Jesus replied, truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.

Unless we acknowledge Love into our lives, His loving presence will not come to us. Let us yield to Love in our lives and be born of both Love and Light, that our lives and others may be touched.

Love Study Lesson 1