Step 2

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The Jesus Way of Love || Robert Macs I Love You

List of Steps

2. I made a decision to accept God’s love and be loved.

I accept your love into my heart, into my spirit. I accept your love. I accept my creator who made me perfect the way I am with all my imperfections. My creator loves me and cares about me. He bears my imperfections upon his own body that I might be loved. Be able to become his temple of love. A place where his love and compassion dwells. A place where I can be fulfilled in the darkest of times. I will see your light. I will look into your eyes. I will see your love. I will see nothing else. I want you to descend upon me. Becoming a place where you live forever. Send your love. May your spirit of love descend upon me now.

Love Study Lesson 2