Step 8

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The Jesus Way of Love || Robert Macs I Love You

List of Steps

8. Make amends where possible.

Making amends. Sometimes we can salvage our relationships. Acknowledge our failures. We need to be able to move past that. Into successful relationships of love and compassion. Sometimes we are able to make a reconnection. Apologize for our behavior. It doesn’t mean that we can have that relationship. Because in so many ways it’s already been broken. The love will come from you. You’ll be available to heal those that are in need. You need not only to make a list of those people that you’ve hurt. But also, the people that have hurt you. Because making amends. Acknowledges the fact that they’ve harmed you. That they’ve done things that are not right. You’ve looked at their lives and maybe you’ve seen that their father or their mother has harmed them. Maybe they were molested. Maybe they were damaged by others. They were passing that harm down to you. Without knowledge of what love is. But you have learned through all the pain. To overcome pain through love. Not just your love. But from God’s love. His spirit enters you daily. You feel connected. You feel forgiven. You feel perfect in God’s love. The power of love helps you restore your family relationships. That love will never stop and actually will become a healing to all those that you connect with. Because your love will flow over all the flaws of relationship. All the wrongs. All the imperfections. You’ll be able to confront evil in its face without fear. Be able to say God loves you but if you deny love. I refuse to allow you to enter into my world. It’s not okay that you abuse. Turn from the darkness. So, we can walk in the light together. I want to be loved. Love is pure. I will walk with God. Feel the love. Feel the light.

Love lesson 8